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Order of Returns Risks Within an Income Portfolio

One of the elements that greatly magnifies the withdrawal risk is the Order of Returns Principle. When your portfolio has losing years it can affect its ability to last through life expectancy more than anything else. The graphs below illustrate this. What’s interesting to note about this graph is that both portfolios earned 8.03% and both Ron and Barb withdrew the same percentage for incom...
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How Much of Your Retirement Savings Can You Afford to Lose?

  Of course when most people answer this question they will usually say, “I can’t afford to lose any of it!” So, with a retirement portfolio that has exposure to the stock market in the form of individual stocks or stock mutual funds, let’s first define a loss.  The easiest way would be when you receive your next month’s statement and you see that your portfolio value has dropped from...
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Your Financial Risk Cycle

At West Coast Financial Services, our concern is to always help retirees allocate their assets to match their risk tolerance. This is vital because more often than not retirees are exposed to more risk than they are comfortable with or aware of, so we help fix that problem. Below you will find The Financial Risk Cycle, which shows each age group's calculated risk tolerance level. Note, these ri...
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