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Stretch IRA

Why The Inherited Or Stretch IRA Usually Does Not Happen

Why The Inherited Or Stretch IRA Usually Does Not Happen Unfortunately, most beneficiaries do not always take advantage of the IRA stretch out after the IRA owner’s death. In fact, often the reality is that beneficiaries will withdraw funds from the IRA much earlier and destroy what for many could be their greatest wealth building vehicle. This occurs for a number of reasons. Somet...
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The Power of The Inherited or “Stretch” IRA

The Concept of stretching out an IRA to beneficiaries is often not addressed in the financial services community. When one sees how the IRA is taxed to beneficiaries as ordinary income, you can see how this can be a very significant tax that the IRA owner may have never really considered. For this discussion, we will assume that a person has rolled over their existing 401k's or 403b's to I...
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